A series entirely dedicated to the world of coding, educational robotics and artificial intelligence.
A series of texts designed for teachers and educators who want to enrich their teaching and educational activities with a touch of innovation, creativity and originality.

A book for teachers and educators who wish to experiment with the use of the educational robot Thymio during their lessons or educational robotics workshops.

Educational robotics and artificial intelligence – The Robot Thymio
Inclusive teaching and educational activities up to secondary school
Author: Paolo Rossetti
Year of publication: 2021
Ring binder with 160 punched cards
Price: 36,00€
ISBN: 9788888952529
This first book in the series Educational Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is dedicated to teachers in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools who wish to experiment with the use of the educational robot Thymio during their lessons and educational robotics workshops.
The Swiss robot Thymio was born at the Lausanne Polytechnic with a unique spirit in the panorama of educational robots: a completely “Open” philosophy with a special attention and sensitivity to the world of schools and education.
Its design and operation make it unique in its kind, encouraging inclusion, understanding of the world of robots and artificial intelligence and the creation of a “critical sense” towards new technologies to create the active citizens of tomorrow.

A book for teachers who want to experiment with Scratch programming language and extensions for programming the educational robot Thymio.

Educational robotics and artificial intelligence – Thymio and Scratch
Educational activities for secondary school teachers
Authors: Joël Rivet, Didier Roy, Paolo Rossetti
Year of publication: 2020
Ring binder with 80 punched cards
Price: 22,00€
ISBN: 9788888952543
This second volume of the series Educational Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is dedicated to teachers teaching the Scratch programming language and to the extensions for programming the Thymio robot available with the Thymio Suite software.
The educational robot Thymio was born at the Lausanne Polytechnic with a unique spirit in the panorama of educational robots: a completely “open” philosophy with a specific focus and sensitivity for the school world.
Scratch is a programming language from the Lifelong Kindergarten Group of the Media Labs at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Boston USA) made available completely free of charge and extremely popular in schools.
With Scratch and Thymio, you can programme interactive stories, games and animations while interacting with a robot designed for teaching and educational activities.
For further information and purchase problems, please contact
Stripes Edizioni – tel. (+39) 345/0104806